What everyone else says is great....
One thing I did when leaving, to keep people off my trail (like being hunted) was just "turn in time"... that means I didn't even go door to door... I just wrote numbers on a time slip, it's very freeing, haha. After all, if there is no Jehovah, or if JWs are not the "true religion", it is all a bunch of bunk, and you are just playing a game..... so "play the game" and write numbers on a piece of paper.
Second thing: when you DO move out (will you still be in the same hall?) you can have excuses... "My water pipe broke" "Traffic held me up" "I got a headache from my boss" "I felt nauseated" and no one will know. No one can see... Just spread these events out at first. Come late to the meeting "Boss had me work longer, was witnessing to someone, had a bad traffic jam" ... Do NOT answer at the meetings, sit in the back, leave right away.... this will make you 'less seen', less noticed... you will become a ghost.
You can always add in an appearance of "I am doing great" from time to time... Hopefully, you will be going to a new hall. That would be great!
Best to you!